The goal of Seattle Paint Pick Up is to help dispose of unwanted paint and hazardous waste in a safe manner. By using this service you guarantee that your materials will be handled safely. This can all be done at a fair price by scheduling an appointment.

The company was started in Washington and now provides services as far South as Oregon

Services Provided
Seattle Paint Pick Up offers paint and other hazardous waste pick up. While primarily focusing on paint, other waste may be able to be hauled away.
Please ask.
- House Paint
- Primers
- Stains
- Sealers
- Spray paint
- Epoxy
- Hazardous Waste Materials
Note: For paint to be accepted, the product must be in their original containers of no larger than 5 gallons in size, must have the original manufacturer’s printed label on the container, and must be covered with a secured lid. Leaking/open cans are not accepted.

Price Per Can
5 Gallon - $15
1 Gallon - $10
Quart/Pint - $5
Payment Types
-Credit Card